How To Create A RACI Chart

Extract from “Example RACI Chart For Project Managers & How To Make It”, by Suzanna Haworth. Retrieved from

Step 1: Identify Project Roles

Think about who is involved. First, I created the below table listing out the names at the top. This highlights the first thing to decide when creating a RACI: do you list roles or specific people? Traditionally, you should define the functional roles along the top. However, I think there are cases when using names is better, and that’s often my preference.

Step 2: Identify Project Tasks Or Deliverables

Review the project and break it down into clear tasks and deliverables. Put these down the left-hand column of your chart.

Step 3: Assign The RACI To Each Role And Task

Work through each task and think about the different roles and what they should be responsible for. Every task or deliverable should have a Responsible and Accountable at least. Make sure there is only one role or name assigned to Accountable—this is really important. Think carefully about who Consulted should be whilst the task is ongoing, and who should be Informed once the task is complete.

Step 4: Agree on This With Your Team

If you haven’t gone through roles with people, have a quick chat through how you’ve set up the RACI, and make sure everyone is happy with their roles and responsibilities on the project.

Step 5: Agree on This With The Core Project Stakeholders

Set up a call or meeting to agree on this with the core project stakeholders. Think about who this also needs to be communicated with once it’s agreed to.

Step 6: Make It Useful Throughout The Life Of The Project

  1. When you activate a task or deliverable, refer back to the RACI and align on who is responsible for what.
  2. Make sure that what was set out at the beginning of a project, and the roles and responsibilities against tasks, are still accurate.
  3. A good way to do this is to host a version online, using Google Docs or Confluence, or the project management software tool used in your organization. For more on project management tools, check out this article here. This is a great way to get people more involved with it.

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